Kristian Scott

Kristian Scott

Senior Digital Communications Developer


As a Senior Digital Communications Developer at The University of Manchester Library I specialise in creating and implementing a wide range of digital communications solutions for web, social media, signage and interactive content.

My work includes web design, search engine optimisation (SEO), analytics, accessibility, multimedia, project management, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. I love combining words, visual media and technology to communicate ideas.


Always happiest outdoors, I enjoy walking, hiking and exploring. I also have a passion for the great indoors and enjoy cooking, wine, collecting music (especially on vinyl), books, guitars and film. I live with my family in Disley, a village on the edge of the Peak District.


Be sure to follow my blog for the latest(ish) updates and photos from my adventures.

Find out more

About my website


I love the early web, especially the home-made, personal websites that appeared in places like Geocities in the late 1990s. In the days before social media, a personal website was a little patch of the internet where you could let people know all about you. This website is a nostalgic attempt to keep the spirit of the old web alive. It's also fun to code.


Everything on this website is hand-coded in semantic HTML. I've used a classless CSS framework to keep things looking neat, tidy and mobile responsive. Site updates are made the old fashioned way, using a computer.


Early web page file sizes were tiny by todays standards. However, loading times felt slow due to the dial-up connection speed.

With this home page coming in at around 74kb, my website is light, fast, green and doesn't eat into data plans. Admittedly, the blog photos are a bit of an indulgence but I keep everything super compressed. To put things in perspective, this entire website (including three years of blogs, photos and videos) has a smaller total file size than the average smartphone photo

Privacy policy

This website doesn't use any cookies or tracking scripts. So browse freely and privately.


I work in digital now, but I've included the whole journey for nostalgia.

The University of Manchester (2006 to present)

The early years...



Want to get in touch?

I'd love to hear from you, please feel free to contact me using the details below: